Due to the characteristics of the hormonal system, it is difficult for a woman to give up alcohol on her own. The body needs to drink strong drinks regularly to stimulate the production of pleasure hormones. To stop drinking, the fair sex must set a goal that requires the complete elimination of alcohol. Preparation for failure minimizes withdrawal symptoms at the beginning of treatment.

General tactics for avoiding alcohol
Before getting rid of alcoholism, a woman must understand the causes of the bad habit. We must honestly admit that heavy drinking did not solve our problems. Women often join the green snake for the following reasons:
- low-paid position
- family problems;
- severe emotional upheavals;
- disorders of the nervous system;
- friendships with people suffering from alcoholism.
Understanding that alcohol only aggravates the condition will allow you to break the contact with the bottle independently in the first stage of treatment. The sooner a woman realizes that even minimal doses of alcohol harm her social status and health, and affect her loved ones, the sooner a way out will be found.

Alcoholism in women is more difficult to treat than in men. However, the ability of girls to self-hypnotize allows them to quickly program themselves for treatment. Psychologists advise to imagine the changes that will occur after giving up alcohol. You can dedicate your free time to your family or a healthy hobby, learn the profession you want, which will have a positive impact on the overall situation and allow the woman to make new friends.
The incentive to stop drinking is determined for each woman based on life values. If the plans are to have children, it is worth reading about the consequences that will affect generations due to addiction.
Relatives should help to prepare for treatment. You can't blame a person who is addicted to alcohol against the background of an unstable psycho-emotional situation. A woman and her immediate surroundings should be prepared for the symptoms of withdrawal.
How to stop drinking with folk remedies
Treatment of alcohol cravings at home is allowed with the intention of giving up alcoholic products. Before taking tinctures, the body should be cleansed of alcohol breakdown products using sorbents or a decoction of pharmaceutical medicinal chamomile. This stage lasts 7-10 days.
Currently, there is no consensus that folk recipes can completely cope with alcoholism. Doctors say there is no scientific evidence for the effectiveness of home remedies. Before choosing the appropriate decoction, it is necessary to consult with a narcologist, who can prescribe certain recipes according to the individual characteristics of the body.
In the first stage of treatment of alcohol dependence, many patients use natural honey and eat 7 teaspoons on an empty stomach. The procedure is repeated every 20 minutes for an hour, after which a break of 1. 5 hours is maintained until the next seven tablespoons. It is necessary to reduce the amount of honey consumed during lunch (3 tablespoons).

Unrefined oats eliminate the craving for alcohol. To make a decoction, you need to fill a three-liter jar halfway with it. The container is filled with water, then brought to a boil and left for about half an hour. Dried calendula flowers are added to the finished broth, after which the mixture is filtered for treatment. Drink a glass 3 times daily before meals.
Eliminates alcohol dependence with pepper. ½ liter of liquid is mixed with 20 g of red pepper, then brewed for two weeks. A few drops in a glass of strong drink will create a strong feeling of disgust against alcohol.
In the treatment of alcoholism, a decoction of wormwood has tonic properties, the plant quickly removes accumulated toxins. It is enough to pour 1 tablespoon boiling water, then leave for about 20 minutes. Chilled, take a glass 3 times a day before meals.

thyme tincture
Thyme tincture allows you to recover in 2-8 months. The plant has antioxidant, diuretic and sedative effects. The recipe for preparing the tincture is very simple: you need to pour 3 tablespoons boiling water and insist 60 minutes, strain when done. 1 tablespoon thyme tincture is consumed 4 times a day for two weeks.
The course of treatment is repeated after a week. The duration of use of this method depends on the stage of alcoholism. Thyme is contraindicated in people with peptic ulcer, diabetes and gastritis. Possible side effects include aggravation of the disease.
Decoction of St. John's wort
St. John's wort is part of tinctures and decoctions that permanently eliminate addiction. The plant restores the function of the gastrointestinal tract, has a tonic effect. To prepare the most popular decoction that cures alcoholism for 21-30 days, pour ½ liters of boiling water on 4 tablespoons of the plant, then insist for an hour.

Then, the mixture is filtered for treatment. Half a glass of decoction is taken three times a day before meals. St. John's wort is contraindicated in people with hypertension, severe mental disorders. Side effects of taking the decoction in the form of increased blood pressure are not excluded.
Centennial decoction
The beneficial properties of Centaury decoction are confirmed by the fact that the plant is part of many drugs that allow you to give up alcohol. The anti-alcohol effect is explained by the presence of amorgentin and gentiopicrin.

In the first stage of preparing a decoction, pour 1, 5 tablespoons of centaury in a liter of boiling water. Boil the mixture on low heat for about 20 minutes. Take 2 tablespoons of decoction 3 times a day before meals. The plant is contraindicated in patients with gastric ulcer. Possible side effects of treatment with a decoction: pain in the abdomen, fever, diarrhea.
How to replace alcohol in life
When treating addiction, it is important to make time for hobbies that enjoy and encourage responsibility. Doctors recommend exercise to improve muscle tone, immunity and blood circulation. Active lessons in any of the following types will help a woman to live in a difficult time for the body:
- swimming;
- boxing, kickboxing;
- cycle;
- tennis;
- dance.
Meditation and yoga help you learn the characteristics of your body and outlook. Regular classes relieve psychological crisis and speed up treatment. A 30-minute workout daily with a standard set of exercises helps.

People who prefer peace and quiet should pay more attention to reading or going to the movies. A woman can use sweets as a substitute for alcohol. In general, doctors do not recommend the latter method for possible weight gain.
To stop drinking on their own, a woman must assess the health and social consequences of alcohol. Comprehensive body rehabilitation using folk methods with the support of your loved ones is an effective solution. Don't forget sports and other hobbies that help you get rid of psychological addiction.